Works start on site at the new Heaton Crematorium, Bradford
Work has started on site this week at the new £12m crematorium at Heaton in Bradford. The project is part of a wider upgrade and development programme that will upgrade or replace the district’s cremators, which are over 20 years’ old and operating well-beyond the manufacturers stated working life. All of the existing crematoria buildings are over 100 years old with limited facilities and capacity.
The upgrade programme has included an extended and refurbished crematorium and new cremator installation at Oakworth and a £14.8m new build crematoria in Bierley in the south of the city and will result in lower emissions and reduced maintenance.
The new build facility at Heaton will replace the outdated Nab Wood crematorium and is being constructed on vacant green land close to Northcliffe Golf Club. It will feature a main and ancillary ceremony hall, crematory and ancillary equipment, a committal room, plant and administration facilities, along with a garden of reflection.
It has been designed in line with the Council’s Environmental and Sustainability Strategy and the National Standards of Emissions – energy will be captured and re-used within the building and the facility will include the latest mercury and nitrogen oxide removal technology.